200 years of combined experience!

Experts to support ASQA regulatory efforts, strategic vision

The government has established a new national advisory council to support the best practice regulation of Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) sector. Peter Costantini will chair the new council, comprised of members professor
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Message from the CEO (23 March 2022)

Message from the CEO We welcome you to our March edition of the VET sector magazine. In this edition, there are articles discussing the NCVER submission, CEO declaration of Compliance, transition planning and much
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How to ensure your training organisation is compliant with government regulations

If you’re running a vocational education and training organisation in Australia, you need to ensure that your organisation is compliant with government regulations. This article will outline some of the regulations that you need
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Australians are poorly prepared for the digital workplace

The digital age is upon us and with it comes new opportunities and challenges in the workplace. However, a recent study by Global Digital Skills Index 2022 Digital Skills Index has found that Australians
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NCVER Submission – How to report AVETMISS data through NCVER tools

Our consultancy department has received a number of inquiries where registered training organisations asked us to provide an article on reporting AVETMISS data through NCVER tools. Here it is: Step 1: Visit the RTO
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The CEO Declaration of Compliance

Have you ever stopped to wonder why, when you return to Australia, border officials ask you “Do you have anything to declare?” There are a few reasons for this. Australia imposes taxes on goods
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Transition planning and requirements

The training packages are updated on a regular basis to ensure that they continue to meet industry and regulatory requirements. Training organisations are expected to perform a significant amount of maintenance work when there
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Requirements to enrol learners in your courses

There are specific prerequisites that must be met prior to student enrolment or the beginning of training and assessment, whichever occurs first. In addition, the RTO should advise the prospective learner on the training
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Check the language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) requirements of your learners

Assessing language, literacy and numeracy requirements before enrolling a student in a course is an important task for a training organisation. The best way to check the requirements is by using a Language Literacy
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The relationship between the training organisation and the regulatory body

The relationship between the training organisation and the regulatory body is important for both organisations. The regulatory body acts according to set standards that the training organisation must meet, and the training organisation provides
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