200 years of combined experience!

The Concept of Immersive Education

Immersive education is a form of online education where you create a virtual learning environment and immerse students in the content. It is also called “learning outside the box” because it helps students learn
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The features of high-quality online learning

Online learning is continuing to gain popularity with people seeking to learn new skills and train in the comfort of their homes. With the rapid advancement in technology, it has become easier for students
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The authenticity of assessments in an online learning environment

The authenticity of assessments is a term that is often used in the education sector. It is usually used to refer to how authentic or genuine a given assessment was. Although there are no
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The simulated environment for online learning

A simulated environment is an artificial representation of a real-world environment. Training organisations are increasingly turning to simulations for training purposes. The point of simulations is to provide learners with an environment that is
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Why should you read and share THE VET SECTOR newsletter?

The purpose of this newsletter is to maintain an ongoing dialogue with the industry representatives, giving them a voice and platform to raise their concerns and practices. The importance of this newsletter is not
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ASQA publishes scoping study on VET in schools

The scoping study on vocational education and training delivered to secondary school students was issued by the national regulating agency in order to protect the quality of VET delivery. It is ASQA’s role as
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Compliance and regulatory requirements to use video evidence

Video evidence can be used to support learning in a variety of contexts. It is becoming an essential tool for trainers/assessors and RTO administrators in order to achieve compliance with regulatory requirements. The use
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Attract people, places and things perfect for your growth

People, places and things are all aspects of life that can help or harm your growth. It is, therefore, important to understand why and how you should attract people, places and things perfect for
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Become stronger than your fears

You must have heard the saying that ‘fear is the mind-killer’. Just like how fear can stop you from making decisions, it can also stop you from achieving your dreams. Fear can paralyse us
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Maintaining a healthy work-life balance

We are living in a world where work is no longer confined to the office. In the age of digitalisation, that is why work-life balance has been a hot topic. Whether you are working
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