200 years of combined experience!

Mapping document of assessment resources – do you need one?

A question that has been asked over and over again is “do we need a mapping document”? We hope you will find this information relevant. A mapping document is a detailed blueprint, required for
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Fact Sheet: Transition and teach out

Compliance requirements and guidelines: This Fact Sheet has been developed and produced to assist Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) in understanding the transition and teach out arrangements stated in Clauses 1.26 and 1.27 of the
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CAQA FAQ Series – Validation and compliance requirements

What is the difference and commonality between Validation, Moderation and Pre-validation? Pre-Validation (verification) is the practice of validation that occurs before using the assessment tools. This validation happens after either development of the assessment
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The websites that will help you become much more productive and efficient.

The internet has a lot of resources that you can use to simplify your life. Websites like Google, Wikipedia, YouTube, and Amazon are among the most visited websites today. These sites make it easy
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Different types of disruptions in training and education businesses: What are they and how can they impact You?

In a world where disruption is happening at a lightning speed, the question of how to thrive in this fast-paced environment is increasingly important. There are many who have been disrupted out of business
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Quality Learner Guides from CAQA Resources

What are Learner Guides? Learner Guides are an effective teaching tool, which allows learners to focus on their learning objectives. They are often given through online portals (learning management systems) or in-person training sessions
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Validation Demystified – Part I

Validation is arguably the central pillar of the VET practice and has a valued place in the education system. It is one of the few compliance requirements that influence and is accountable for more
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Contextualisation – Why you must contextualise the training and assessment resources.

Understanding contextualisation Contextualising assessments and learner materials is one of the most thought-provoking tasks that RTOs face. Many RTOs are deemed non-compliant due to their contextualisation ‘methods’. What is contextualisation, what is the right
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The Australian Government supports eligible employers who hire an Australian Apprentice with a new Australian Apprenticeship Program

Boosting Apprenticeships Commencement (BAC) wage subsidy is a new wage subsidy announced by the federal government to assist apprentices and trainees who are eligible for the wage subsidy to complete their qualifications. The Completing
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Live webinar with CAQA – Your questions and answer series – Trainers and assessors competency and compliance requirements

The CAQA Live webinar series will be a great opportunity to learn from the experts who have been in this field for a long time. What makes this event so special is that the
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