200 years of combined experience!

Getting acquainted yourself with the VET

VET information at your fingertips NCVER’s VET Knowledge Bank is a key source of reference information about Australia’s VET system. Did you know the VET sector is the largest education sector in Australia? Like most countries,
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Message from the General Manager (22 August 2021)

Message from the General Manager If humans are capable of learning from their experiences, one thing that would stand out in this COVID era is that life will never be the same again, no
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The VET Sector News II-August 2021

National Skills Week 2021: RETHINK your ideas National Skills Week, which is now in its eleventh year, will once again aim to bring to life the positive messages by exposing the talents, skills, career
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According to a new report, businesses are increasing their investments in cybersecurity skills

According to new research from cybersecurity firm Sophos, internal IT departments and businesses are making investments in their staff’ cybersecurity skills and knowledge. According to a new analysis from Sophos, IT teams around the
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Introducing Cyber Security BSBSS00094 and BSBSS00093 Skill Set Resources on Virtual Platform

We are excited to announce the complete set of resources for BSB Cyber Security skill set units. These resources are created in collaboration with eduLAB, provider of virtual platforms for education and CAQA Resources,
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Education standards and politics

We are all well aware that in any country, it is hard to separate politics from educational issues and standards. However, it is quite sad when politics begins to have an impact on education
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RPL Kits-Let’s discuss compliance with clauses 1.8 and 1.12

The legislative requirements The legislation is very clear regarding compliance in RPL kits and why you need to have RPL Kits for every unit of competency you are training and assessing. The legislative instrument
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Online learning is much more than access to training and assessment materials online

In spite of the fact that different nations are at different stages of COVID-19 infection rates, there are currently more than billions of learners in 186 countries who are affected by face-to-face classroom closures
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Scorm, HTML5 and m-learning? Need help?

Until recently the high degree of interactivity, immersive graphics, and fascinating animations of Adobe Flash made it one of the most popular authoring tools for eLearning courses. With fewer smartphones and tablets being able
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Celebrating the 12th anniversary of Career Calling

Can you believe Career Calling has been in operation for 12 years? This is a fantastic opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to making Career Calling what it is today. Here are a
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