200 years of combined experience!

Understanding the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Amendment Bill 2019

In 2017, the Hon Karen Andrews MP, the Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, commissioned a review of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (NVETR Act) and its associated legislative
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How to complete a compliant Trainer Matrix – Part 1 of Part 5

We believe that representatives of the training organisations and trainers usually do not understand the importance of the correct and current trainer matrix available for audit. If you do not keep on top of
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The VET Sector News- February 2020

Coronavirus travel ban sees Chinese students miss start of university, Australia’s tertiary education sector scrambling More than 100,000 Chinese students will not be able to start their university and TAFE classes in Australia because
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Coronavirus travel ban sees Chinese students miss start of university, Australia’s tertiary…


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SA Govt invests in vocational education and training


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ACT has highest student participation and employment


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Report on Government Services 2020


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Malaysian university seeks partner for short-term study abroad program in Australia


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Singapore’s first undergraduate health degree in speech and language therapy


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Vocational education and training


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