200 years of combined experience!

A potential audit of the Australian Skills Quality Authority by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO)

The Australian National Audit Office is the national auditor for the Parliament of Australia and the Government of Australia. It reports directly to the Australian Parliament via the Speaker of the House of Representatives
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A 19-member panel Industry VET Stakeholder Committee working to deal with the VET challenges

The Morrison Government has established its Vocational Education and Training (VET) Stakeholder committee to help drive its significant agenda of reform. Scott Morrison has flagged that VET reforms are a key reform agenda priority
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Communiqué for the COAG Skills Council Meeting (20 September 2019)

  In the last COAG Skills Council Meeting in Melbourne on 20 September 2019 all federal, state and territory skills ministers unanimously agreed that the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), Australia’s national VET regulator,
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VET ministers announce changes to the Australian Skills Quality Authority

  Sharing the most recent announcement from the Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business and The Hon Steve Irons MP, Assistant Minister for Vocational Education, Training and
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Australian Government’s new Deregulation Task Force announced

 COAG agreed to work together to reduce regulatory and bureaucratic barriers across the federation so that businesses can grow and create more jobs. Leaders committed to improving the design and efficiency of business regulation
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The biggest threat to the education and training sector in Australia is bad regulation!

It is very important to evaluate the training and auditing systems to find out what is working and what is not. If true monitoring and evaluation is not happening, it will be really difficult
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Congratulations VOCEDplus for completing 30 years

Courtesy: VOCEDplus! It all started in 1989, with two print publications, Initiatives in Technical and Further Education and TAFE Projects in Progress. These articles were merged to become the Vocational Education and Training Research
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Interview with The VET Gurus – John Price, Angela McGregor, Kerri Butter

Response from John Price regarding VET Sector Newsletter. John Price John started his career in education and training over 40 years ago. He was the Head of the School of Printing and Graphic Arts, became
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New ESOS Regulations for CRICOS-registered providers

The Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2019 (ESOS Regulations) commence on 1 October 2019. They replace the current 2001 regulations.  The ESOS Regulations commence on 1 October 2019. Registered providers must comply with
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The VET Sector News

Integration is the key to the future – TROY WILLIAMS Australia needs an integrated tertiary education system in which higher education plus vocational education and training operate as one but they retain their separate
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