200 years of combined experience!

Maintain compliance and regulatory register to record legislation change

You can be asked by the regulatory body to demonstrate how you identify legislation change, what you did to demonstrate compliance and how the information related to legislation and regulatory changes and their impact
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Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

When it comes to compliance, it’s always better to be proactive than reactive. That’s why training organisations need to conduct regular internal audits in order to ensure that their practices are up to par.
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Set boundaries, establish guidelines, and work within them.

Organisations providing training services have a responsibility to ensure that their activities are carried out in a manner that is compliant with the expectations of the relevant regulatory bodies. This includes setting boundaries and
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Operate from a position of compliance.

The Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) regulatory framework is dynamic. There are regular changes to standards, requirements and conditions. As a provider of training services, you need to stay up-to-date with these changes
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Compliance is more than just following rules and regulations.

Organisations today face an increasingly complex regulatory environment. To meet their compliance obligations, they need to have a strong compliance program in place. Compliance is a process, a mindset, a culture, and a team
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The students deserve to be treated as more than just a revenue stream

It is no secret that the cost of living in Australia is high. This is especially true for students, who often have to take on part-time jobs in addition to their studies just to
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Australia has the world’s second-worst skills crisis.

According to a new analysis, businesses in Australia are in the midst of a skills crisis, and the country ranks second-worst among industrialised and developed nations for its lack of trained skilled workers. This
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Working in a toxic workplace can lead to serious health problems.

It’s no secret that working in a toxic work environment can have serious consequences for your health. From anxiety and depression to physical health problems, the effects of a toxic workplace can be far-reaching
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The complaint management processes for a training organisation

It is a requirement of the Standards for RTOs 2015 that all Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) have a system in place to manage complaints. This means having procedures and processes in place to handle
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Customer complaints are your opportunity to drive continuous improvement

There is no organisation that isn’t subject to complaints from time to time. In the case of Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), complaints are governed by the Standards for RTOs 2015. Standard 6 requires RTOs
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