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The new ASQA website

If you’ve visited asqa.gov.au before, you will probably notice that the page layout looks a little different. Here are some changes to be aware of: Simplified main menu labelling and added  ‘Students’ tab. Relocated information about making a complaint under the ‘About’ heading. Both the Users’ guide to the Standards for RTOs 2015 and Users’ guide to the Standards for VET Accredited Courses can be accessed from any page on the site, via links in the top left of the page header. In addition, the Users’ guide to the Standards for RTOs 2015 can now be browsed by either subject chapter or standard—whichever you prefer. The FAQs are now grouped by popular topics. You can now also browse FAQs alphabetically by topic. Search results can now be filtered by content type. An Upcoming events page, it’s now easier to find out details of the next webinar or presentation. Edited website content to be easier to read and reorganised information to follow logical user pathways. For more Information, please visit here.

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