200 years of combined experience!

National Strategy for International Education 2025

Australia’s first National Strategy for International Education 2025 sets out a 10-year plan for developing Australia’s role as a global leader in education, training and research.

Pillar 1

Strengthening the fundamentals

Goal 1: Building on a world-class education, training and research system

Goal 2: Delivering the best possible student experience

Goal 3: Providing effective quality assurance and regulation

Pillar 2

Making transformative partnerships

Goal 4: Strengthening partnerships at home

Goal 5: Strengthening partnerships abroad

Goal 6: Enhancing mobility

Goal 7: Building lasting connections with alumni

Pillar 3

Competing globally

Goal 8: Promoting our excellence

Goal 9: Embracing opportunities to grow international education


Click here to read the plan for more Information.

We are happy to answer any questions regarding this matter. Please contact us.

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